This campaign was developed as a hypothetical pitch to the Spindrift marketing team as part of my University of Texas Digital Marketing Boot Camp course. Below you will find our campaign objective and solution.

Campaign Objectives

  1. Drive Awareness and traffic to Spindrift’s website.
  2. Grow Spindrift’s CRM database by 15%.
  3. Increase Spindrift’s overall sales in 7 specific regions.


Build an integrated digital marketing campaign with the focus on driving our target market through the funnel through social, display, search, and email marketing. The focus was on advertising fun, creative ways to enjoy Spindrift this summer.


Proposed buyer’s journey as we guide our prospect through the various channels


Sample display ad to drive to below landing page


After a prospect shows interest in a free sample and provides his/her email address, we send this first email below

Simple landing page where prospect selects his/her free sample in exchange for address info

My Direct Contribution to the Campaign:

  • Persona Creation
  • Content Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Email Campaign Strategy/Design

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